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RR Xing
System of Operation on the Chalk River Subdivision

On the Chalk River Subdivision the system of operation is to simulate real conditions of a transportation system that has a series of towns with stations and industries along the way that need servicing with various freight cars carrying goods from or to other customers (industries).

The Chalk River Subdivision of the Canadian National Railroad is located in Ontario and consists of a number of towns in Ontario that are connected together for the purposes of this demonstration.

It is intended that one day all of these towns will be represented on a series of HO FREEMO modules, but for now the only module completed is the Chalk River Motive Power Depot.


There are two main towns where freight is sent to or originates from at either end of the line: Chalk River in the West and Port Credit in the East.

Freight from other towns and sources is sent to these two staging areas and trains are split apart and made into trains for servicing the various other towns and industries between the two yards.


An important traffic source for almost all railroads is interchange - transferring freight cars between railroads of the same railroad.

The North Bay Sub is where Coal, Stone and Wood as raw material resources originate from hundreds of miles further on in Northern Ontario and are sent to the various industries for processing into products on the Chalk River Sub that require transportation to other places.

See More Railroads Space for this website provided free by Dallas Model Works