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INDUSTRIES    Lehigh Valley
   Pennsylvania and New York
Industry Category Location Location

Bethlehem Freight House Transloading Facility Freighthouse Siding Bethlehem
Binghamton Stores Warehouse Stores Siding Binghamton
Binghamton Team Track Transloading Facility Team Siding Binghamton
Finger Lakes Farmers Coop Grain Elevator Coop Siding Caledonia
B&O Interchange Interchange B&O Siding P&L Jct.
Piggyback Ramps Intermodal Facility TOFC Siding Sayre Yard
D&H Interchange Interchange D&H Siding West Binghamton
Tioga Mills Grain Mill Grain bay West Binghamton
Wainwright Plastics Plastic manufacturing Pellet loader West Binghamton
Parlor City Paper Box Company Box Manufacturing Transfer platform West Binghamton
Tioga Mills Grain Mill Transfer platform West Binghamton
Wainwright Plastics Plastic manufacturing Transfer platform West Binghamton

Space for this website provided free by Dallas Model Works.