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ROLLING STOCK ROSTER    New York Central System
   The West Shore Sub at Genesee Junction
Road Number Road Model Scale AAR Class Manufacturer

NYC 53085 New York Central NYC N  Bev-Bel
NYC 67557 New York Central NYC N  Bluford Shops
NYC 67563 New York Central NYC N  Bluford Shops
NYC 67581 New York Central NYC N  Bluford Shops
NYC 706326 New York Central NYC N  Con-Cor
NYC 78798 New York Central NYC N  Walthers
NYC 885165 New York Central NYC N  Atlas
NYC 885821 New York Central NYC N  ESM
NYC 886025 New York Central NYC N  Micro-Trains
NYC 904948 New York Central NYC N  Atlas
NYC 93728 New York Central NYC N  Con-Cor
NYMX 1025 New York Central NYMX N  Micro-Trains
N&W 600407 Norfolk & Western N&W N  Athearn
NW 47500 Norfolk & Western NW N  Micro-Trains
NW 604545 Norfolk & Western NW N  Micro-Trains
PFE 453674 Pacific Fruit Express PFE N  MDC-Roundhouse
SPFE 453484 Pacific Fruit Express PFE N  MDC-Roundhouse
SPFE 459525 Pacific Fruit Express PFE HO  Athearn
PC 103800 Penn Central PC N  Micro-Trains
PC 160252 Penn Central PC N  Micro-Trains
PC 23050 Penn Central PC N  Bowser
PC 279300 Penn Central PC N  Bev-Bel
PC 350265 Penn Central PC N  Atlas
PLE 39635 Pittsburg & Lake Erie PLE N  Athearn
PROX 43931 Procor PROX N  Athearn

Road numbers in grey represent inactive cars      
Space for this website provided free by Dallas Model Works